Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Back to School: Planning Ahead Will Pay-Off

Resources and Tips for 
Keeping the Lines of Communication
Between Families and Schools Open  

After writing my post, Open Lines of Communication Between Teachers and Families, I became curious as to what other teachers, schools, and districts did to keep open communication between families and school. This lead me to doing a little more research in which I came across several resources that may be helpful kickstarting you and/or your administrators to develop a plan before the upcoming school year begins. 

I'm aware that there are still several weeks before the new school year starts for many and the mere thought of planning at this juncture is not tops on your list. However, some pre-planning can pay big dividends once the year has begun. So, dive in to the following resources and seriously consider creating your own system to keep an open and healthy relationship between your school families and yourself.


  1. Great minds think alike! I pinned some of these pins too! Great post! wendy 1stgradefireworks

  2. They are great resources, then :)


Opening the Lines of Communication  Between Teachers and Families We are all well aware of the importance of open lines of communica...